WK Snert & Stamppot

If you were in Groningen on February 11 in 2011 (for example for the PhD defense of Mr. Travelbooze) then you had an opportunity to see THE WORLD COMPETITION IN COOKING PEA SOUP //aka snert// and STAMPPOT //aka stamppot :-)//!

(Photo from http://www.smulweb.nl/)

Although I knew about this competition in advance, I could not google the date and time for this year (it is not really fixed).
The local newspaper, as always, informs you too late…
For all info check this web site.
You can register for the next year competition (some times they give a special prize for the best amateurs… )
Also you can buy a recipe book for snert or stamppot (9.95Eur each!)
Some pictures from this year competition are shown here.

The next target is the WhiskyFest on March 25-27. Here is the homepage.

Or especially for the readers from Brabant… little info.


p.s. since it is my last February in Groningen, I doubt that I will ever see the snert WK myself, but would not mind to be jury for this kind of competitions :-)
Do not forget http://www.oudhollandschegerechten.nl/ !